I have truly enjoyed my 32-year career as an outdoor writer-photographer, but this week, though it went reasonably well, showed how stressful this job can be. Monday, I went to Moncove Lake State Park and Greenbrier State Forest in West Virginia to do a story. Tuesday, I float fished the Greenbrier River for a story, then headed for Roanoke County, Virginia to do a story on the comeback of the American chestnut. Wednesday, I headed back to West Virginia for another article, then home to Virginia to work on another one.
Thursday, I finished a story and started another one, and Friday I only worked for about an hour. Then I surprised Elaine with taking her out to a movie, dinner, then to an ice cream parlor. I felt like I had neglected her all week.
Today, Saturday, it is off to a book signing and seminars from 9 to 5. Monday, I hopefully will interview someone to finish another story. I am thankful for all the work, but things have been very hectic lately.
You had jam packed week as I guess but glad that you still manage to write for us. I really like it when people share their routine with others over the internet. Thank you for sharing this post with us