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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Cutting Down Christmas Trees for the Family (Blog 418)

Wednesday, I drove to our Johns Creek land in Craig County to cut down a Christmas tree for Elaine and me and also one for David and Sarah and their two boys. While bowhunting there in October, I had noted several white pines that would be ideal for Christmastime. They also were growing near oaks and should be removed anyway.

There is something inherently special about going into the woods and finding your own Christmas tree. It harks back to the time when this was a common thing for all families to do. For the past 15 years or so, Elaine and I have found a tree either on our Botetourt County land where we live or on the Johns Creek property. These trees aren't perfectly shaped like the ones for sale, but we think they are beautiful and perfect, nevertheless.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Joy of Having Grandchildren (Blog 417)

One of the great joys of Elaine's and my life is having grandchildren living close by. Generally, three mornings a week, we have four-year old Eli at our home for an hour or so before my wife takes him to daycare.

The other day, Elaine was performing her early morning exercises, and, unceremoniously, Eli plopped himself down beside her to join in. One of Elaine's standard exercises is to do some leg lifts with a rubber ball positioned between her legs. The photo below shows that Eli knows how to do this exercise as well.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Joys of Elaine's Homemade Persimmon Bread (Blog 416)

When people ask me what is my favorite type of bread, many answers could come to mind. Elaine is a marvelous cook and her sourdough and whole wheat breads are sublime. But the best bread she makes is her persimmon/wild black walnut bread.

This past weekend, we went to gather persimmons. Earlier, I had gathered wild black walnuts on our Botetourt County, Virginia land and had left them on our fireplace hearth to fully ripen. After we gathered the persimmons, I cracked the walnuts while Elaine prepared the persimmon pulp.

An hour or so later, we dined on persimmon bread for lunch. The fruity/nutty taste, the appealing deep brown color/the smell of warm bread hot from the oven...well, yes, this is my favorite bread.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Wednesday Catches Her First Beetle (Blog 415)

Our best heritage Rhode Island Red hen, Mary, is only 2 1/2, but has already been broody three times. The most recent time was in September; and when the other chickens killed her first chick to hatch, we had to bring her inside for when the other chicks hatched.

The two chicks that hatched, named Wednesday and Friday for the days they were born, are now a month old and living in the basement with Mary. When I came downstairs to check on them this morning, Wednesday, a young pullet, and Friday, a cockerel, were in hot pursuit of a beetle that had blundered into the enclosure.

I was impressed that Wednesday caught the beetle, spearing it with her beak. She had a little trouble eating it, especially with Friday trying to grab the treat. But, eventually, Wednesday downed her first of many beetles.